this is the one

so my lovely cousin sent me hikki's new english album
i enjoy it a lot more than her old one.
the beats are nicer, the lyrics are a little less weird, and it's more hikki than before.
and i was so excited that there was an "automatic part II", but i was disappointed.
not that great.

ah, so i went out yesterday
i tend to only go out once a week - me being antisocial and all
so yesterday was the day
adrienne picked me up and we went to get chrissa and ck
and we went to go watch the boxing thing.
it was not cracking
and this one bitch tried to challenge me?
if i wasn't so scared that she would kill me by sitting on me, i would've fought her.
i know they were all trying to call me out
and by sly about it
i don't even know why they don't like me
they don't even know me
and i didn't do shit to them
too bad they always try to be nice to my face
fake ass bitches

1 comment:

Ambiguous said...

they're heelllaaaa fake!